The Creation Begins with Destruction

The trailer has been re-located down next to the cabin. I've got the pressure-treated lumber to build the base. And if my motivation keeps up, I should have it framed in by the end of the summer. Hopefully.

Oct 17, 2010

Deconstruction 1

All the drawers and doors are out.
The dinette set is out.  The front couch/bed is out.
I can see all the plumbing.

I've taken out all the screws in the overhead cabinets ...
and can't get them off the walls.
There must be screws coming into them from the ceiling  or sidewalls.
I found 4 screws coming into the TV stand unit, that were screwed into it from the sidewall.  Which tells me that the last thing they put on the trailer was the external metal layer.  It just makes it more challenging to save as much of the interior as I can so I don't have to buy more stuff when I build the tiny house. 

Waste not, want not.
(and save my pennies too)

And then there are these specialized wires.
It would be nice to re-use this unit.
And maybe some of all those other wires ...
I just have to expose them, trace then down,
photo-document them, and plan ahead for the future.

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