The Creation Begins with Destruction

The trailer has been re-located down next to the cabin. I've got the pressure-treated lumber to build the base. And if my motivation keeps up, I should have it framed in by the end of the summer. Hopefully.

Jan 28, 2011

Gettin' Down to the Bare Trailer

After it was all unbolted, it was still too heavy to lift the floor off by myself.  So, I borrowed a skill saw and cut the OSB flooring wood just inside the 2" x 4" frame work.  There were red chalk lines marking the framing,  along with a trail of nail-heads.  So I just guessed based on the width of a normal 2" x 4".

These are the OSB rectangles all stacked on a pallet.  
As you can see, some of them had wood-rot ...
OSB just falls apart if it gets soaked with water.

These are the sections of 2" x 4" lumber all stacked up.
The really dark ones have wood-rot.

Here we are down to the metal bottom pan.
I had to knock out the remaining side boards
and then just rolled the thin steel up.

The steel frame is in surprisingly good shape.
This is going to require a lot less sanding than I expected.

Looking from the rear towards the front.
The very back tank is for "black water" ...
Since I will be using a composting toilet,
I will probably just remove this tank.

Next up:  
1) clean up all the junk from the yard.
2)  sell the scrap metal.
3)  Sand and prime trailer as needed.
4) Check out brakes and grease hubs.