In rebuilding the camping trailer, we wanted to replace the bunkbeds in the back left corner with a tub/shower unit. The original tub unit was so small that when sitting in it, your chin was on your knees. And someone had to pull you up out of it ... impossible to get out on your own.
Anyway, yesterday on the way to pay the utility bill, my wifes says that she wants to go to some yards sales to get some things. I pass a yard sale sign. Then a little further down the street, I turn and backtrack to connect up with the yard sale signs. It didn't look like your typical yard sale ... almost no clothes, no toys, etc. There were light fixtures, switches, door stops, a bay window, refrigerators ... It was like somebody had been remodeling and had all the leftover parts for sale.

The prize for us was a tub/shower unit. Brand new. And for sale for way less than 1/3 the normal price. We bought it. And they delivered it to our place while we continued on to pay the utility bill.
This was so fortuitous, I give praise to the Lord. This had nothing to do with my normal lack of brilliance ... I'm usually quite bad at heeding promptings of the spirit. But in this case, I overcame my normal rebellious nature and just went with it ... and the result was so fantastic! Thanks Lord.
The first thing after building the floor/base ... we will need this tub/shower unit so we can plumb to the waste water tank ... before the floor/base becomes a closed immoveable unit. Then we'll have to build the walls up around the tub/shower unit ... because there would be no way to get it inside through the doorway or a window.
I am so excited that things are ever so slowly coming together. Framing and walls can go up pretty quickly. It's the foundation work and the detail work that take so much time.
Yay!!! Truly a blessing! And yay that it came along during the right part of the whole process!!