The Creation Begins with Destruction

The trailer has been re-located down next to the cabin. I've got the pressure-treated lumber to build the base. And if my motivation keeps up, I should have it framed in by the end of the summer. Hopefully.

May 30, 2011

Tanks Back In

The support pieces have been fitted and bolted back in place.
The tanks are back in. 

Tanks viewed from the rear.
Next up are the axles ...

Just cooking in this heat ... nearly 100°F
very exhausting.
After this was done, I took the steps rod to the shop
and spent the remainder of the afternoon watching O.C.C.
(Orange County Choppers - NY) 

May 28, 2011

Camping Trailer - For Sale

I saw this recently and it is still for sale ...

I think that is in area code 334 ... 
call 334-405-9247 
They may have plugged all the leaks, but not before the damage was done to the frame ... believe me, there is wood rot ... but a 21 ft metal trailer with 18 feet of usable space for a tiny home (3 feet of the trailer is the tongue). 

front view 

rear view 

This was the bed area ... just around the corner to the right is a water heater 

I'm just showing one pic from the bathroom ...
Notice the rotted ceiling coming down over the toilet? 

The front dining area that can also be made into a bed.
ripple-warped paneling is also a sign of wood rot. 

They ripped out the kitchen sink and plumbing.
But hey, they left the stove.
And all the knobs are on it (those knobs are hard to come by) 

Yeah, the refrigerator is missing ...
but the dining table is still there. 

You can save the windows, dining area, the stove, the water heater tank, and whatever you want to keep from the bathroom.  There is one tank under the trailer.  And the metal frame needs wire-brushing or sanding or sandblasting before you re-paint it.

May 27, 2011

Black Frame & Rusty Axles

There it is!!!
A fully wire-brushed and painted frame. 
Top, sides, and bottom. 

Here's looking at the back section ...
which is finally done! 

Then my wife came outside ...
admired the beautifully done frame and said,
"The axles are rusty."
So true ... but they are next up. 

This is a major accomplishment.  I'm exhausted.
De-constructing it was Milestone 1.
Wire-brushing and painting the frame is Milestone 2.
The axles will be Milestone 3.
There is some discussion  about replacing the axles (I have no idea what these are, but I'm guessing 2500 lb 4" drop axles) with 
3500 lb. 4" drop axles. (I have the electric brakes and hubs)
Even if the axles I purchase aren't plumbed for electrical brakes,
I'll just run parallel wiring down the other side of the frame.

Milestone 4: 
The sub-floor framing  with the plumbing to the tanks ...
which means I'll have to tentatively place the tub ...
in order to figure out how to route the 1-1/2" tubing 
up through the sub-floor  ... with 2 vent tubes. 

(I'll worry about that later) 

May 24, 2011


I finally decided that I needed to remove the tanks to effectively de-rust and paint the frame. 

The only things left are the angle-iron tabs that the supporting metal bolts to, in order to support the tanks. 

These supporting angle-irons were originally left bare and never painted.
I'll wire brush them and paint them before putting them back.
The tanks are stacked under the siding.
A token mention of what the trailer originally was - Shasta. 

May 21, 2011

Not Fast Progression ...

Tires are off.  Working my way back on the frame.
Used a high-pressure nozzle to clean out the two tanks.

From the rear - perhaps you can see the white screw-in caps that I purchased to plug the holes in the tanks so that I don't get anymore leaves and junk inside.

This is toilet paper ... it's been in the black-water tank for a good ten years.  You can still see the hearts, sun, flowers and other designs on it.  
It has yet to bio-degrade.
But now the tank and lines are clear of any impurities.
I can probably use this tank to empty a tub into.

May 19, 2011

Wheels Off !!

The axles and hubs without the wheels.
I had to remove them to sand the rails ...
fix the wiring ...
grease the hubs ...
and work on the brakes.

This is evidence of dog chewing ... or rodent.

This is the worst of the rusted rims.
I have to replace at least 2 rims due to rust.

This is the backside of the same rim.
Both paint and rust are flaking on both sides.

While I was at it, I pressure hosed out the two waste storage tanks
got out the leaves, manure, and glops of old toilet paper.
I'm debating on keeping the largest tank to drain the shower/tub.
The smaller tank will be for the sinks.

May 17, 2011

A Little More Black

Front end view
Ok ... So I have been lazy.
Just doing my regular job combined with the necessary paperwork.
Just not motivated.
Time to get back at it again.

Kind of a side view
Time to take the wheels off to work in that area.
Making some progress.

May 7, 2011

Still at the de-Rusting

Significant rust spots get scraped with a putty knife 
and then I use this wire wheel on them.
I use safety glasses that have a magnifying reading lens in them ...
so I can see up close what I am doing.

May 1, 2011

Fighting Rust

You can see by the black overtaking the brown ...
that I am fighting the rust.
Some spots were very bad and I went at them first with the putty knife to flake off the rust scale.  Then I used a wire wheel powered by a drill to generally remove any other rust.
I've been spray painting with flat black Rustoleum.
I'm going to need at least another 4 cans.